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$Title{Rough Riders
Part IV}
$Author{Roosevelt, Theodore}
Title: Rough Riders
Book: Appendix A: Muster-Out Roll
Author: Roosevelt, Theodore
Part IV
Troop H: Captain George Curry
George Curry . . . . .Captain . . . . . .Tularosa, N. M.
William H. Kelly . . .1st Lieutenant . . .East Las Vagas, N. M.
Charles L. Ballard . .2d Lieutenant . . .Roswell, N. M.
Green A. Settle . . . .1st Sergeant . . . .Jackson Co., Ky.
Nevin P. Gutilius . . .Sergeant . . . . . .Tularosa, N. M.
William A. Mitchell . .Sergeant . . . . . .El Paso, Tex.
Oscar de Montell . . .Sergeant . . . . . .Roswell, N. M.
Thomas Darnell . . . .Sergeant . . . . . .Denver, Col.
Willis J. Physioc . . .Sergeant . . . . . .Columbia, S. C.
Michael C. Rose . . . .Sergeant . . . . . .Silver City, N. M.
Nova A. Johnson . . . .Sergeant . . . . . .Roswell, N. M.
Morton M. Morgan . . .Corporal . . . . . .Silver City, N. M.
Arthur E. Williams . .Corporal . . . . . .Las Cruces, N. M.
Frank Murray . . . . .Corporal . . . . . .Roswell, N. M.
Morgan O. B. Lewellyn .Corporal . . . . . .Las Cruces, N. M.
James C. Hamilton . . .Corporal . . . . . .Roswell, N. M.
George F. Jones . . . .Corporal . . . . . .El Paso, Tex.
Charles P. Cochran . .Corporal . . . . . .Eddy, N. M.
John M. Kelly . . . . .Corporal . . . . . .El Paso, Tex.
Robert E. Ligon . . . .Trumpeter . . . . .Beaumont, Tex.
Gaston R. Dehumy . . .Trumpeter . . . . .Sante Fe, N. M.
Uriah Sheard . . . . .Blacksmith . . . . .El Paso, Tex.
Robert L. Martin . . .Farrier . . . . . .Sante Fe, N. M.
John Shaw . . . . . . .Saddler . . . . . .Scott Co., Iowa.
Taylor B. Lewis . . . .Wagoner . . . . . .Las Cruces, N. M.
Allison, Jovillo, Bentonville, Ark. Dunkle, Frederick W., East Las
Amonette, Albert B., Roswell, N. M. Vagas, N. M.
Bendy, Cecil C., El Paso, Tex. Douglas, Arthur L., Eddy, N. M.
Black, Columbus L., Las Cruces, Eaton, Frank A., Silver City, N. M.
N. M.
Bryan, John B., Las Cruces, N. M. Fletcher, Augustus C., Silver City,
N. M.
Bogardus, Frank, Las Cruces, N. M. Frye, Obey B., Flagstaff, Ariz.
Brown, Percy, Spring Hill, Tenn. Gasser, Louis, El Paso, Tex.
Baker, Philip S., Clinton, Ia. George, Ira W., Quincy, Ill.
Bullard, John W., Guadaloupe, Tex. Grisby, James B., Deming, N. M.
Connell, Thomas J., Bennett, Tex. Hamilton, James M., Deming, N. M.
Corbett, Thomas F., Roswell, N. M. Herring, Leary O., Silver City, N.M.
Cornish, Thomas J., Freestone, Tex. Hunt, Le Roy R., Cincinnati, O.
Crawford, Clinton K., Cincinnati, O. Houston, Robert C., Hillsboro, N. M.
Cone, John S., Tularosa, N. M. James, Frank W., Marion Co., Ga
Duran, Abel B., Silver City, N. M. Johnson, Charles, Lund, Sweden.
Duran, Jose L., Sante Fe, N. M. Johnson, Harry F., Beaumont, Tex.
Dorsey, Lewis, Silver City, N. M. Johnson, Lewis L., Beaumont, Tex.
Doty, George B., Santa Fe, N. M. Roberson, James R., Belle Co., Tex.
Kehoe, Michael J., Ottawa, Canada. Rutherford, Bruce H., Pana, Ill.
Kehn, Amandus, Silver City, N. M. Regan, John J., Beaumont, Tex.
Kinnebrugh, Ollie A., El Paso, Tex. Sharp, Emerson E., Wanamaker, Tenn.
Kendall, Harry J., Coldsborg, Ky. Stewart, Newtown, El Paso, Tex.
Lawson, Frank H., Las Cruces, N. M. Scroggins, Oscar, Logan Co., Ill.
Lewis, Adelbert, Beaver Co., Utah. St. Clair, Edward C., New Orleans, La.
Lannon, John, Hillsboro, N. M. Saucier, Harry S., New Orleans, La.
Mooney, Thomas A., Silver City, Schutt, Henry, Warren, Pa.
N. M.
Moneckton, William J., San Antonio, Sawyer, Benjamin, Hillsboro, Ill.
McAdams, Joel H., Mt. Pilia, Tenn. Thompson, Alexander M., Deming, N.M.
McAdams, Richard P., Mt. Pilia,
Tenn. Traynor, William S., Wilcox, Ariz.
McCarty, Frederick J., Mentzville, Thomas, Theodore C., Leavenworth,
Mo. Kan.
Murray, George F., Deming, N. M. Waggoner, Daniel G., Roswell, N. M.
Nobles, William H., Silver City, Waggoner, Curtis C., Roswell, N. M.
N. M.
Neff, Nettleton, Cincinnati, O. Wilson, Charles E., Boulder, Col.
Owens, Clay T., El Paso, Tex. Wilkinson, Samuel I., Cincinnati, O.
Ott, Charles H., Silver City, N. M. Woodson, Pickens E., Honey Grove,
Pace, John, Bentonville, Ark. Wheeler, Frank G., Chautauqua Co.,
N. Y.
Pipkins, Price. Wickham, Patrick A., Socorro, N. M.
Powell, Lory H., Roswell, N. M.
Pronger, Norman W., Silver City, N. M.
Pollock, John F., Tularosa, N. M.
Piersol, James M., Osborne, Mo.
Rynerson, William L. . . . . .Sergeant . . . .Las Cruces, N. M.
Discharged from service of U. S. Army by reason of special order No. 145
Hd. Qrs., U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
John B. Wiley . . . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . . .
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, 1898.
Joseph F. Kansky . . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . . .
John V. Morrison . . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . . .Santa Fe, N. M.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, 1898.
Lee, Robert E., Donabua, N. M. Cate, James S., Grape Vine, Tex.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Transferred to Troop I, May 12,
1898. 1898.
Bennett, Orton A., Jack Co., Tex. Casad, C. Darwin, Las Cruces, N. M.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Transferred to Troop I, May 12,
1898. 1898.
Brito, Jose, El Paso, Tex. Dolan, Thomas P., Ticonderoga, N. Y.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Transferred to Troop I, May 12,
1898. 1898.
Brito, Frank C., El Paso, Tex. Storms, Morris J., Roswell, N. M.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Transferred to Troop I, May 12,
1898. 1898.
Farrell, Frederick P., El Paso, Sullivan, William J., Manchester, Va.
Tex. Transferred to Troop I, May 12, 1898.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12,
Frenger, Muna C., Las Cruces, Fritz, William H., Windsor, Conn.
N.M., Transferred to Troop I, Transferred to Troop I,
May 12, 1898. May 12, 1898.
Hermeyer, Ernest H., Germany Eberman, Henry J., Bremen, Germany.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Transferred from Troop K to Troop H,
1898. May 16, 1898. Re-transferred to K,
Jopling, Cal., Hamilton Co., Tex. June 8, 1898. Died.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Bucklin, E. W., Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
1898. Transferred to Troop L, June 8, 1898.
Nehmer, William, Staten, Germany. Wright, Grant, Cold Springs, N. Y.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, Transferred to Troop L, June 8, 1898.
Roediger, August, Charlotte, N. C.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, 1898.
Schafer, George, Pinos Altos, N. M.
Transferred to Troop I, May 12, 1898.
Gosling, Frederick W. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bedfordshire, Eng.
Died in hospital at Camp Wikoff, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1898.
Casey, Edwin Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . Las Cruces, N. M.
Died in hospital at Camp Wikoff, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1898.
Ewell, Edward A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adrian, Ill.
Deserted, June 28, 1898, at Tampa, Fla.
Miller, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Roswell, N. M.
Deserted, June 28, 1898, at Tampa, Fla.
Troop I: Captain Schuyler A. McGinnis
Schuyler A. McGinnis . . .Captain . . . . . . .Newkirk, O. T.
Frederick W. Wintge . . .1st Lieutenant . . . .Sante Fe, Mex.
Samuel Grenwald . . . . .2d Lieutenant . . . .Prescott, Ariz.
John B. Wylie . . . . . .1st Sergeant . . . . .Fort Bayard, N. Mex.
Schuyler C. Morgan . . . .Q. M. Sergeant . . . .Durango, Col.
John V. Morrison . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . .Springerville, Ariz.
William R. Reber . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . .
Basil M. Ricketts . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . .Lambs' Club, N. Y.
Percival Gassett . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . .Dedham, Mass.
James S. Cate . . . . . .Sergeant . . . . . . .Grape Vine, Tex.
William H. Waffensmith . .Sergeant . . . . . . .Raton, N. M.
August Roediger . . . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Charlotte, N. C.
Numa C. Freuger . . . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Las Cruces, N. Mex.
William J. Sullivan . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Silver City, N. M.
William J. Nehmer . . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Silver City, N. M.
Abraham L. Bainter . . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Colorado Springs, Col.
Hiram T. Brown . . . . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Albuquerque, N. M.
Errickson M. Nichols . . .Corporal . . . . . . .52 E. 78th St., New York City
George M. Kerney . . . . .Corporal . . . . . . .Globe, Ariz.
Robert E. Lea . . . . . .Trumpeter . . . . . .Dona Ana, N. M.
Clarence H. Underwood . .Trumpeter . . . . . .Colorado Springs, Col.
Charles A. Nehmer . . . .Blacksmith . . . . . .Chicago, Ill.
Hayes Donnelly . . . . . .Farrier . . . . . . .Jefferson, O. T.
Leo G. Rogers . . . . . .Saddler . . . . . . .Bogart, Mo.
Everett E. Holt . . . . .Wagoner . . . . . . .Coffeyville, Kan.
Alexis, George D., New Orleans, La. McCoy, John, Monrovia, Cal.
Arendt, Henry J., Hoboken, N. J. McGowan, Alexander, Gallup, N. M.
Armstrong, Charles M. Martin, John, Decanter, Ill.
Adkins, Joseph R. Miller, Edwin H., Junction City, Kan.
Bates, William H. Miller, David R.
Barrowe, Hallett A. Miller, Jacob H., Needles, Cal.
Bawcom, Joseph L., Bisbee, Ariz. Morgan, U. S. Grant, Durango, Col.
Bennett, Horton A., Tularosa, N. M. Morris, Ben F. T., Raton, N. M.
Brito, Frank C., Pinos Altos, N. M. Moore, Roscoe E., Raton, N. M.
Brito, Jose, Los Angeles, Cal. North, Franklin H., 2 W. 35th St.,
Brush, Charles A., Hanford, Cal. New York City
Bassage, Albert C., Corning, N. Y. O'Dell, William W., Parkersburg,
Casad, Charles D., Mesilla, N. M. W. Va.
Peabody, Harry, Raton, N. M.
Cloud, William. Pierce, Edward, Chicago, Ill.
Crockett, Joseph B., Topeka, Kan. Price, Stewart R., Plattsburg, Mo.
Coe, George M., Albuquerque, N. M. Rafalowitz, Hyman, Philadelphia, Pa.
Clark, Frank M., Hiawatha, Kan. Roberts, John P., Clayton, N. M.
Davis, Henry C., Santa Fe, N. M. Reisig, Max, Y. M. C. A., St. Louis,
Dolan, Thomas P., Pinos Altos, N. M. Raulett, Charles, New Orleans, La.
Denny, Robert W., Raton, Mex. Reidy, John, Ottawa, Kan.
Duke, Henry K., Lipscomb, Tex. Shornhorst, Carl J. Jr.
Evans, Evan, Gallup, N. M. Schafer, George, Pinos Altos, N. M.
Fennel, William A., Reunion, Md. Sennett, Lee, Marysville, W. Va.
Flynn, Joseph F., Albuquerque, N. M. Storms, Morris J., Centerpoint, Tex.
Geiger, Percy A., Durango, Col. Spencer, Edward John, Clay County,
Gooch, John R., Sante Fe, N. M. Tait, John H.
Groves, Oscar W., Raton, N. M. Temple, Frank, Lafayette, Ind.
Goodrich, Ben Hedric. Torbett, John T., Yale, Kan.
Giller, Alfred C. Topeka, Kan. Tritz, William H., Windsor, Conn.
Hermeyer, Ernest H., Roswell, N. M. Townsend Charles M., Faribault, Minn.
Hickey, Walter, Wishua, N. H. Twyman, John L., Raton, N. M.
Hogan, Michael. Thompson, George.
Jones, William H., Raton, N. M. Williams, Thomas C.
Jopling, Cal, La Luz, N. M. Wiley, Harry B., Santa Fe, N. M.
King, Harry B., Raton, N. M. Wisenberg, Roy O., Raton, N. M.
Larsen, Louis. Zeigler, Daniel J., Como, Mont.
Love, William J., Jersey City, N. J.
Brown, Harry R. . . . . . . .Private . . . . .Tampa, Fla.
Discharged at Tampa, Fla., Aug. 5, 1898, per S. O. 153 A. G. O.,
dated June 30 1898, and final statements forwarded to A. G. O.,
Washington, D.C., Aug. 3, 1898
Young, Howard G. . . . . . .Private . . . . .
Discharge to date from Aug. 23, 1898.
Girard, Alfred O. . . . . . .1st Sergeant . . .
Transferred, July 18, 1898, to 2d Army Corps, Camp Alger, per telegraphic
instructions A. G. O., Washington, D. C.
Cowdin, Elliot C. . . . . . .Corporal . . . . .
Transferred to Troop L 1st U. S. Vol. Cav., to date June 7, 1898, per
verbal order Reg. Commander.
Fish, Hamilton Jr. . . . . .Sergeant . . . . .
TransferTed to Troop L 1st U. S. Vol. Cav., June 7, 1898, per verbal
order Reg. Commander. Killed in battle, June 24, 1898.
Wilson, Charles A. . . . . .Private . . . . . .
Transferred to Hosp. Corps 1st U. S. Vol. Cav., June 7, 1898, verbal
order Reg. Commander.
Greenway, John C. . . . . . .2d Lieutenant . . .
Promoted 1st Lieut. Troop A 1st U. S. Vol. Cav.
Bailey, Harry C. . . . . . .Private . . . . . .
Transferred back to Troop G, Sept. 1, 1898, per verbal order Reg.
Tiffany, William . . . . . . .2d Lieutenant . . .
Died Aug. 26, 1898.
Saville, Michael . . . . . . .Private . . . . . .
Deserted from Camp Wikoff, L. I., Aug. 20, 1898.
Brown, John . . . . . . . . .Private . . . . . .
Deserted while en route from Camp Wood, San Antonio, Tex., to camp at
Tampa, Fla., June 3, 1898.
Farrell, Fred. P. . . . . . .Private . . . .
Deserted while en route from Camp Wood, San Antonio, Tex., to camp at
Tampa, Fla., June 3, 1898.
Troop K: Captain Woodbury Kane
Woodbury Kane . . . . .Captain . . . . .319 Fifth Ave., New York City.
Joseph A. Carr . . . .1st Lieutenant . .2127 R. St., Washington, D. C.
Horace K. Devereux . . .2d Lieutenant . .Colorado Springs, Col.
Wounded at San Juan, July 1, 1898; forearm and arm: Mauser rifle.
Frederick K. Lie . . . .1st Sergeant . . .Orgun P. O., N. M.
Thaddeus Higgins . . . .Sergeant . . . . .210 W. 104th St., New York City.
Reginald Ronalds . . . .Sergeant . . . . .Knickerbocker Club, N. Y. City.
Samuel G. Devore . . . .Sergeant . . . . .Wheeling, W. Va.
Wounded at El Poso, July 1st; left forearm; shrapnel.
Philip K. Sweet . . . .Sergeant . . . . .226 W. 121st St., New York City.
William J. Breen . . . .Sergeant . . . . .510 E. 144th St., New York City.
Craig W. Wadsworth . . .Sergeant . . . . .Geneseo, N. Y.
Henry W. Buel . . . . .Sergeant . . . . .319 Fifth Ave., New York City.
James B. Tailor . . . .Corporal . . . . .Ardsley on Hudson, N. Y.
Joseph S. Stevens . . .Corporal . . . . .Narragansett Ave., Newport, R.I.
Maxwell Norman . . . . .Corporal . . . . .Newport, R. I.
Edwin Coakley . . . . .Corporal . . . . .Prescott, Ariz.
George Kerr, Jr. . . .Corporal . . . . .East Downington, Pa.
Henry S. Van Schaick . .Corporal . . . . .100 Broadway, New York City.
Frederick Herrig . . . .Corporal . . . . .Pleasant Valley, Kalispel, Flat
Head Co., Mont.
Oscar Land . . . . . . .Trumpeter . . . .720 S. 8th St., Denver, Col.
George W. Knoblauch . .Trumpeter . . . .205 W. 57th St., New York City.
Benjamin A. Long . . .Saddler . . . . .New York City.
Wounded at El Poso, July 1st; left thigh.
Thomas G. Bradley . . .Farrier . . . . .Potomac, Montgomery Co., Md.
George T. Crucius . . .Blacksmith . . . .50 Amanda St., Montgomery, Ala.
Lee Burdwell . . . . . .Wagoner . . . . .Langtry, Tex.
Armstrong, James T. Easton, Stephen, Santa Fe, N. M.
Adams, John H., Selma, Ala. Eberman, Edwin.
Wounded, July 1st. Emerson, Edwin, Collier's Weekly,
Bell, Sherman, Colorado Springs, New York City.
Col. Flemming, Clarence A.
Bernard, William C., Las Vegas, Fletcher, Henry, Green Point,
N. M. Cumberland Co., Pa.
Batchelder, Wallace N., Chester, Pa. Folk, Theodore, Oklahoma City,
Bump, Arthur L., New London, O. O. T.
Slightly wounded, July 1st. Freeman, Elisha L., Burden, Kan.
Cameron, Charles H., McDonald, Holden, Prince A., Grayson Co.,
Pa. Tex.
Campbell, Douglass. Hulme, Robert A., El Reno, O. T.
Cash, Walter S., Colorado Springs, James, William F., San Antonio,
Col. Tex.
Wounded, July 1st; arm, slight; Jordan, Andrew M., Rossa, Tex.
Mauser rifle. Kania, Fran , Jamestown, N. D.
Cooke, Henry B. Langdon, Jesse D., Fargo, N. D.
Carroll, John F., Hillsboro, Tex. Marshall, Creighton, 1807 G St.,
Cartmell, Nathaniel M., Lexington, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Va. Maverick, Lewis, San Antonio, Tex.
Clagett, Jesse C., Moters Station, McGinty, William, Stillwater, O. T.
Frederick Co., Md.
Corbe, Max C., El Paso, Tex. McKoy, William J., Oshkosh, Wis.
Coville, Allen M., Topeka, Kan. Mitchell, Mason, Lambs' Club, New
Crowninshield, Francis B., York City.
Marblehead, Mass. Wounded at El Poso, July 1st;
Channing, Roscoe A., 34 Park Place, left arm, slight; shrapnel.
New York City. Mitchell, William H., Salem, Mass.
Daniels, Benjamin F., Colorado Montgomery, Lawrence N., Hempstead,
Springs, Col. Tex.
Davis, John, care W. S. Dickinson, Nicholson, Charles P., 1617 John
Tarpon Springs, Fla. St., Baltimore, Md.
Norris, Edmund S., Guthrie, O. T. Test, Clarence L., Austin, Tex.
Transferred from 3d Penn. Inf.
Poey, Alfred. and reported for duty with troop
Pollak, Albin J. at Montauk Point, Aug. 25th.
Quaid, William, Newberg, N. Y. Toy, J. Frederick, 602 S. 42d St.,
Robinson, Kenneth D., 55 Liberty Philadelphia, Pa.
St., New York City. Transferred from 3d Penn. Inf.
Wounded on July 1st; right side, and reported for duty with troops
severe; Mauser rifle. at Montauk Point, Aug. 25th.
Reed, Colton, San Antonio, Tex. Tudor, William, 37 Brimer St.,
Smith, Frederick, Guthrie, O. T. Boston, Mass.
Smith, George L., Frankfort, Mich. Venable, Warner M., Stephenville,
Smith, Joseph S., 1322 Brown St., Tex.
Philadelphia, Pa. Wiberg, Axel E.
Smith, Clarke T., 2008 Wallace St., Weitzel, John F., care Windsor
Philadelphia, Pa. Hotel, Newkirk, O. T.
Stockton, Richard, 218 W. Jersey Wilson, Frank M., Guthrie, O. T.
St., Elizabeth, N. J. Woodward, John A., Taylor, Tex.
Stephens, Oregon, Purdy, I. T. Wright, Grant, Cold Springs, N. Y.
Thorp, Henry, Southampton, L. I. Young, James E., 628 W. 37th St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Maloon, Winthrop L. . . . .Private . . .
Discharged per S. O. No. 141, A. G. O. Dated June 6th.
McMasters, Frederick D. . .Private . . .
Discharged per S. O. No. 178, A. G. O. Dated July 30th, Washington, D.C.
Ferguson, Robert M. . . . .Sergeant . . .55 Liberty St., New York City.
Discharged, Aug. 10th, 1898.
Worden, John L. . . . . . .Private . . .27 W. 43d St., New York City.
Discharged by way of favor per telegraphic order from Assistant
Secretary of War.
Dated Aug. 15th, Washington, D. C.
Cosby, Arthur F. . . . . .Private . . .
Discharged per S. O. No. 103, A. G. O. Aug. 17th, Washington, D. C., to
enable the soldier to accept a commission. Wounded, July 1st; right
Babcock, Campbell E. . . .Private . . .The Plaza, Chicago, Ill.
Discharged, Sept. 5th, to accept commission.
Lee, Joseph J. . . . . . .Private . . .Knoxville, Md.
Discharged per S. O. No. 205, A. G. O. Washington, D. C. Aug. 31st.
Duran, Joseph L. . . . . .Private . . . .Santa Fe, N. M.
Transferred to Troop H, this regiment, July 15th.
Brandon, Perry H. . . . . .Private . . . .Douglass, Kan.
Transferred to Troop D, this regiment, July 29th.
David M. Goodrich . . . . .1st Lieutenant. Akron, O.
Transferred from Troop D, this regiment, Aug. 11th. Transferred to
Troop D, this regiment, Sept. 5th.
Haywood, Henry . . . . . . .Sergeant . . .Police Department, New York City
Abdomen; Mauser rifle; killed, July 2d. Wounded, July 1st; died in
Division Hospital, Cuba, July 2, 1898, from bullet wound received July
Ives, Gerard M. . . . . . .Private . . . .New York
Died at his home, 338 W. 71st St., New York City (date not known), from
typhoid fever.
Tiffany, William . . . . . .Lieutenant . .New York City.
Died of fever.
Staley, Frank . . . . . . .Private . . . .
Deserted from troop at San Antonio, Tex., May 1st.
Curzon . . . . . . . . . . .Private . . . .
Deserted from detachment at Tampa, Fla., June 13th.
Jenkins, Micah J. . . . . .Major . . . .Youngs Island, S. C.
Promoted to Major, Aug. 11, 1898.